Entries in misc (10)


Third Person

Watching careful!  Do you see it?

It is a beautiful day, bright blue skies with light wispy clouds!  A little boy sitting on the ground under a shade tree!  His eyes have a hollow glazed over aspect to them!  You speak to him and he looks up but it as if you are speaking a foreign language to him.  His reply finally comes but the speech is slow and slightly slurred!  It is as if the words in his brain come out his mouth with the speed of molasses!  Every part of him struggles to move, he knows he should, he knows he needs to, but he just can’t do it with any normalcy.  A small chocolate lab puppy is set down in front of this little boy and the puppy looks around and slightly lifts his head to scent the air!   The pup looks at each of the people surrounding him and then looks at the little boy.  He lunges straight ahead for the little boy with all the speed and accuracy that his little 8-week-old body can muster.  He goes straight for the little boys chin and begins to lick at his chin and then circles to his ear.  The little boy in the fog at first is startled but then begins to smile, his arms circle the puppy and begin to cradle and stroke the pups head and body!  The pup settles in his lap with his little chin resting on the boys forearm.  The pup’s eyes occasionally glance away but mostly his eye’s are on his self-proclaimed charge.  A 6-year-old boy with T1 diabetes!  The pup seems to know that he is needed and wanted here in this dazed state of the lil boy!  As the numbers come up the pup begins to be a normal puppy again, picking up sticks and greeting those who are gathered around.

What you just witnessed was a first alert of an 8 week old puppy to his new owner as best as it can be explained by this writer! 



In order to do the assignment for today I was suppose to pin something somewhere to something… something called http://pinterest.com/   I have no idea what this is or what I am truly suppose to do with this.  You have to sign up and then wait for someone to adopt you or something like that.  It is supposedly about organizing and sharing things that you love.  Great! 

My interests are simple I LIKE DOGS! I REALLY LIKE DIABETIC ALERT DOGS!  I like training dogs, playing with dogs, learning more about dogs, and in general about everything related to dogs!   I LOVE LOVE LOVE PUPPY BREATH!  Guess what, I have tried for years to figure out how to bottle the smell of puppy breath!   If I can’t bottle it I sure can’t pin it anywhere. 

If only I could… ahhhhh  the sweetness!


Writing Style

My writing style is very unique to me.  English has never been my strong point!  I write like I speak, always and ever straight from my heart!  I can write or speak with ease about those things that I know about and understand, but technical writing has never been a favorite of mine! 

It all started back in 7th grade when I received a “pink slip” in English!  I KNEW I was in HUGE trouble with my parents and especially my father!  He actually went to school to talk to her.  I was at home anticipating the licking I was about to receive!  When he came home, he looked me directly in the eyes and said “DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT”!  To this day I have no idea what transpired at school but I am sure something happened!  All I know is that from that day forward I avoided English in school at every opportunity!  I have also wrote papers and poetry, but when it came to tearing things done proper I scurried away!  When I got to college I HAD to take several courses in order to graduate, which I of course put off until the last possible moment! However, one of those instructors changed me on being scared of writing!  She was an ornery old cuss who loved to argue and stir the pot, but for some reason she took a liking to me!  She said, “All you have to be is WHO YOU ARE!  WRITE FROM YOUR HEART and you will never be wrong!  You have a beautiful gift of seeing truth where truth is hard to see, USE IT, SPEAK IT, WRITE IT and you will never be wrong.  We can correct errors in usage but the gift is in the writing!” (Taken off an old college paper dated 3/1985)

So if you are looking for PROPER GRAMMATICAL CORRECTNESS…. go somewhere else!   I am who I am!  I will speak and write that which is in and on my heart!  Misspelled words, all sorts of grammatical errs, and who knows what else…but I will always try to give you my best and my heart!


What is an IDEAL DAY?

Just imagine for a moment that today was an ideal day!  What would it look like?   How would it feel? What would it be?

For myself, and others facing health issues there is NO SUCH THING AS AN IDEAL DAY!   It can be fun to dream about what it might be like but sometimes we get stuck in the “IF ONLY’S”.  “If only I didn’t have this disease, If only I wasn’t high. If only I wasn’t low, if …IF….IF!!!   We can “IF ONLY” ourselves right into a major depression or anger period!

For me I CHOOSE to believe that EVERDAY is my ideal day!  Each day starts full of promise and hope!  Each day brings new joys and surprises!  I have found that simply by changing my perspective it changes the outcome!  It doesn’t matter that I have diabetes and it doesn’t matter that I am up to my ears in puppy poop!  It is what it is and behind every bad thing there really and truly is a good thing! The thing is it is never going to stay the same!  We have bad so we know what good is.  We have sad so we know when we are happy!  There are always and ever opposite sides to a coin.  It is how was choose to direct our focus that sets the true stage!

So I challenge each of you…look at what and where you are spending your time and energy focusing!  The answer just might surprise you when you find you really are having an ideal day!


My Theme Song !

I have 2 theme songs and I have wore out tapes and CDs of both of them and keep having to buy new ones!

Won't Back Down by Tom Petty
Songwriters: Jeff Lynn and Tom Petty

Well I won't back down
No I won't back down
You can stand me up at the gates of Hell
But I won't back down

No I'll stand my ground
Won't be turned around
And I'll keep this world from dragging me down
Gonna stand my ground
And I won't back down

Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out
Hey yeah, I'll stand my ground
And I won't back down

Well I know what's right
I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin me around
but I'll stand my ground
And I won't back down

Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out
Hey yeah, I'll stand my ground
And I won't back down

Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out
Hey yeah, I'll stand my ground
And I won't back down

No I won't back down

This is my theme song for about everything in life!

This next song  plays more to when people tell me something CAN’T BE DONE. I believe that you can do about anything if you can just set your mind to it!  Some things are harder than others…but you try and try again till you get there!

My other theme song is by Paul Brandt and it is called I’m Gonna Fly
"I'm Gonna Fly"
7 years old in my radio flyer
red cape tied around my neck
top of Thompson’s hill, Billy said I was a liar
and now I’m scared half to death
Becky said Billy was dumb I shouldn’t listen to him
but I had something to prove
ain’t nobody gonna call me a chicken
gotta do what you gotta do

I’m gonna fly
Defying space and gravity
I’m gonna fly
Billy just you wait and see

I was just a kid, barely 18 years
And I couldn’t wait to graduate
Confident and cocky, and man, it really got me
When I heard my daddy say
“you oughta get some knowledge, you gotta go to college,
gotta make something of your life.”
But I had to do it my way, so I headed for the highway
And I followed those little white lines

I’m gonna fly
Defying space and gravity
I’m gonna fly
Making my own destiny

I crashed and burned, but I don’t regret it
You only fail when you don’t try
Gonna brush off the ashes and just forget it
I’m ain’t perfect yet but you can bet someday

I’m gonna get my wings and fly

I’m gonna fly
Defying space and gravity
I’m gonna fly
You gotta believe
I’m gonna fly
Making my own destiny
I’m gonna fly
You gotta believe

I have thought of this song often when watching dogs learn new things as well.  A pup when they are small is often a little scared of new things…but as you teach they learn to push through their fear of the new!  You don’t know how many times when I have had a pup as they are learning to handle different surfaces they freeze up and stand all stiff legged afraid to go forward!  I will try to coax them with my voice or a treat or a toy, but every once in while nothing seems to work at that moment.  So I just laugh and call them a BIG CHICKEN, pick them to try again later!  They eventually get it!  Then as the pups age they hit the dreaded teenage years!  The time where they think they know more than they do and they often get cocky and self assured until a bigger dog says “SON DON DO THAT!”  Very often they don’t do that no more when the big dog is around!  Then comes adult maturity the time where they are confident in their abilities and in who they are.  They are so much fun to work with and to be with! In a sense, they learn to fly!   Each dog I have had, has taught me new things about flying and that sense of maturity!

Both of the above songs also speak to my battle with diabetes.  Some days it wins, but I can guarantee I will always fight it! 

What are your songs that drive you?  The songs that move you!  What music gets you up and makes you want to go forward?